Thursday, April 17, 2008

April 2008 update is needed!!! Sorry everyone! Been quite the busy bee... so we moved into our 3 bedroom 2 bath house January 19th, 2008! pictures soon to come! We love it! Gracie has a HUGE room that fits all her furniture and toys! She is starting Kidnegarden in August 2008 and will be attending one of the 3 top schools in our district! I am sooooo excitied as a mom! A few weeks ago she had her first dentisit appointment and we discovered on of her back top molars had a HUGE cavity and couldn't be saved so we scheduled for it to be extracted! WOW that was an exhausting day for ME ..... I cried as she was placed under to fall asleep....i cried for the whole 20min she was under.... what a blubbery mess I was.... It was scary for me as a parent and I still get tears thinking about that day, she was totally out of it for hours and all I could do was hold her! BUT she was excitied once she knew the "Tooth Fairy" was gonna give her money for it! So at bedtime, she placed it in a box and under her pillow.....the next morning she ran into the livingroom so excitied and was like " OH MY GOSH.... THE TOOTH FAIRY LEFT ME MONEY MOM" and I said to gracie "Really how much?".... Gracie said " FIVE BUCKS" .... It was the best moment ever! I am getting ready for a friends wedding next month as a bridesmaid and looking forward to seeing her take the "plunge".... I am more EXCITIED that my BROTHER is FINALLY GETTING MARRIED!!! and I am the Maid of Honor! I love my future sister-in-law! I haven't been able to see a ton of family for months now and I am really sad for that! I hope all is good with everyone!

The weeping Mother!